Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Good things happen!!

I had a rather interesting experience the other day. So I've been rather poor these days because of college expenses and such. And last sathurday I suddenly realized that it was fast sunday the next day and that I was supposed to pay fast offerings...but I didn't really have enough to pay fast offereings. So anyways, I ended up doing it anyways and well I didn't really know what I was going to do about money and what not. Then on monday I remembered that I needed to buy a Stats book for my class that starts next monday. So I went to the book store and found out that the book was eighty plus dollars...and then I really freaked because I really needed to get the book. Well it ended up that later that night I walked into my apartment and sitting on my table was a letter from Coldwell Banker, and I suddenly realized that I would now be paying for carpet cleaning too. (yikes...looking bad) Then I opened the letter and guess what? there was a eighty plus dollar check and no carpet cleaning fees. And then I ended up finding a really cheap stats book on-line. Amazing huh? How when you pay tithing and such things seem to always work out. Bytheway I get a big check in a few days, so don't worry to much about me...I'll be quite fine.

1 comment:

Eric and Caralee said...

You completely inspire me, I always seem to forget that things will work out if I pay tithing and fast offerings. Thanks for the thought.