Saturday, January 23, 2010

This could actually be fun...

So I realized as of today that not having a job could actually be kind of fun...I had to conclude that though after two weeks of fruitless job searching. Or course I'm not saying that I'm not going to job hunt anymore, since I will kep doing that. But rather then just worrying about jobs and such I have decided that I could actually do alot of cool things while I'm waiting around. Like learning spanish and sign launguage, which is of course due to the fact that I'm probably going to tell the 2010 census people I know sign launguage. And then there is a spanish learning center in town and it's like only $20.00/ that could be cool. (I might not get to far though with no money but maybe just the beginning class) And then the temple opens again next week, since it's been closed most of the week. So since I've been given a pile of family names I have decided that I should hurry and go do them since it's like three families and nothing has been done in two years when the baptizms and confirmations were done. So I plan to do that next week along with studying for the GRE of course. And there are always books to I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't be bored even without a job. Although I do need a job so that I can pay for 40% of the mission like I said I would on the mission papers.

But my roommate who was with us last semester graduated from BYU then went to Boston and worked, after six months she went on her mission and within three days of getting back she was in a graduate program at USU and did the whole move thing is those three days too. So she was always saying that she wished that she'd taken a break for a couple of semesters, meaning that maybe this is a good thing since I've been in college the last six years. And when there have been breaks I've always been working and stuff like that. So I should just stop complaining about not having a job and actually enjoy myself for once in my life. Since I hear that missions are no easy thing...but only 12 days left until I turn in my mission papers!!


Peggy A.N. Evans said...

I like your outlook on your time with no job. That is making what could be a negative into a positive.

Jeanne Evans said...

Oh it was negetive for about two weeks and then I got sick of it. So that's why I changed it...:)