I've been thinking on this quite a bit lately...mainly because it's basically the end of the semester and everything. But the other night I was reading this article in the ensign and it talked about this guy who had drank and stuff. And anyways he ended up quitting drinking and he repented and everything. So anyways, the guy from the seventy who told this story talked about when this other guy was basically on his death bed. And this guy from the seventy talked about how the only things that came to mind from this guys life were the things that he'd done, such as small acts of service and what not.
So after I read that I was thinking about it and it just made me think that really that's all that people will remember about us when we die, is the service that we did. And since it's the end of the semester I of course am worrying about grades and what not. And so I just started thinking about how grades seem like they're important, but in 20 years will they really be that important? I seriously wonder why grades are deemed as so important?
Just in my adolescents class a few weeks ago my teacher was talking about how getting a "C" in a class is classified as failing a class now. Yet 10 years ago a "C" wasn't considered failing it was considered average. And I have started noticing that really is the truth. Because from the looks of it I will probably end up getting a "C" in my math class. And when I talk to people about that class it seems like I always say that I'm failing my math class, yet I'm not because a "C" isn't failing. And so it's interesting that so much emphasis is placed on grades.
It's like we place the people who get 4.0's on a pedestol over everyone else. Yet if you think about it those people who get 4.0's don't do it on their own, those people who get 4.0's were blessed with the gift of intelligence. And for those lilke myself who get like 3.0-3.7 GPA, that doesn't mean that we're not smart and will never get through college. It only means that we have other gifts. Really why do we place such importance on grades?
Because in 50 years from now when we're about to die/we've died our families aren't going to remember that we got 4.0's in college and high school. They're only going to remember us by what we did in life and by those we've served and what not.
So really why are grades so important? Are they won't being upset over?
Once Upon a Time...
6 years ago
1 comment:
It is always good to introspect about what is important in life. I, for one, don't believe in worshiping people. Some are great at getting A's, but that's just one kind of gift. I don't think people with degrees are any smarter or necessarily know more than people without. I judge people by how they treat others. If they have sincere love and charity for others, I respect them and think of them as contributing significantly to the world. It doesn't matter to me what kind of academic or worldly achievements they may have-- without charity, not one bit of it matters.
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