Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I seriously can't believe it...

So today we had our monthly staff meeting for work and they kept bringing up that everyone needed to make sure they're putting the correct hours on time cards. And they've mentioned it several times in the last few I was kind of confused. (along with quite a few others I found out later) And then they brought up that one of the guys quit...who I actually didn't know since I guess that he works on the opposite days. So finally part way through the meeting the time card stuff came up again and the supervisor finally admitted that this guy named Marc actually didn't quit, he actually was fired. Because he would leave like a hour early, never tell anyone that he was leaving and just go. Then he'd put on his time card that he was there the whole time when he wasn't. And they figured it out so he got fired...which is pretty sad for a work study job. But yeah, I just figured that I didn't know who this person was...which was probably good. Until later one of the other girls I was with after the meeting mentioned that he is her Family Finance TA and so I still didn't know who he was still. And then like a half hour later I suddenly realized that I knew exacally who he was, because this guy named Marc has been in several of my classes and he was at the orientations for the job at the starting of the year. But once I realized that I knew who it was I seriously couldn't believe that he'd even be doing stuff like that. But apparently the government is still letting him keep the work study money and he can now go get another job with it. But if he tries that again then he has to pay them back...even though that is what htey should be doing right now and not waiting until later.

When stuff like that happens though it's pretty shocking, especially since in Utah it's pretty easy to fall into the mentality that stuff like that doesn't go...but it does sadly enough.


Eric and Caralee said...

That's sad, for only an hour too! Usually it's the last hour that goes the quickest!

Jeanne Evans said...

Especially at this job since the last half hour is just staff meetings and such.

Ruth said...

It is interesting how this happens. It is important to be honest.