So there is a marcarque (I think that's how you spell it) ball next thursday that my roommate is helping plan. And she wasn't planning to go until she was trying to sell tickets and our neighbor asked her when she was trying to convince him that he needed to find someone to ask. So she's going now and as of yesterday she walked up to me and started telling me this story about this guy she knows who is helping with the planning, but isn't going because he's shy and doesn't want to ask anyone. So she wanted me to go with him as a blind date...but I have been on enough blind dates to know that I don't like them. In general I don't even like dating for that matter, but when it's a blind date I always end up being the one doing all the talking and keeping the conversation going, and besides for a $30.00 ticket ball you really should be going with someone who asked you and you actually know. So one good thing about this is that she never told him that she was going to try to find someone, she was just going to see if she could get someone to go with him first and then see if he'd go. But I do feel bad, because I should be nice and go even though I don't know this guy. Except that it's a big dance and dinner date and another thing besides dating that I don't like is dances. Because I've gone to Western Swings in the past and have figured out that even guys who know you will ask you. But they seem to always figure out which girls are good at dancing and those are the ones they always go back to once they've figured it out. So I just don't want to go with someone I don't even know to a dance and not even know how to do the dancing. So this is why I'm 25 and not married...sad story huh?
You should go! I have never been a fan of blind dates but I actually went on one in Logan that was FUN! You never know, but I know what you mean about dating. I didn't like it either, until I met Eric anyway.
I didn't date until I met Paul. I hadn't been on a single date for three years when we met. Hang in there, girl. You're going on a mission, anyway, and dating can wait.
That's what I think I don't know why my roommates are trying to get me to go on dates anyways. (since they all know that I'm going on a mission)
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